Rising Strong: Can we find value in failure?

One of my favorite “save myself” lines that I say to myself after a failure is, “Oh, it is okay as long as I have learned something from it.” But who am I kidding? It is still a fail and learning doesn’t typically prevent it from happening in the same way again. That is an […]

Getting Unstuck – Pushing Through The Fear

Afraid of everything… that was me growing up. I was always scared of the monster under the bed or in my closet. I never wanted to be out in the dark… fraidy cat. As I began to think about my life and ponder how to approach the topic of “Getting Unstuck-What is Holding You Back,” […]

Getting Unstuck: Ideas for Financial Wellness

When we take control of our finances, we begin to feel more secure, and when we feel more secure, the road to peace of mind becomes easier to navigate. It is essential that we not let our finances be out of control. It is a common dilemma in our modern world to find ourselves in […]