Acknowledging the Land
Original airdate: November 24, 2021 Guide: Caryl Opening Song: Remember by Joy Harjo Featured focus This practice is called Connect In because our vision was to create a space for people to connect into themselves and one another. Today’s invitation is to connect into the land and open our awareness to the histories of […]
Guided Mindfulness Practice: Focus on the Positive
Original airdate: November 3, 2021 Guide: Linda Opening Song: New York Riopy Connect In is a guided mindfulness practice that happens every Wednesday at 8:15 a.m. EST. This community event is virtual, free, and open to all levels of mindfulness practice. 15 minutes is all it takes to start your day with intention. Connect In now!
Audio Mindfulness Practice: Practicing Gratitude
Original airdate: October 13, 2021 Guide: Caryl Opening Song: Unstruck Chord by Steve Gold Featured practice: Studies show that practicing gratitude for even a short amount of time increases well-being. Gratitude as an intervention for mental health, relational health, and even physical health. Gratitude is an amazing technology in health that brings along with it […]
3 Quick Tips to Start Practicing Self-Love Now!
“Self-love is about being more committed to your happiness than to your suffering in every single moment.”- Nitika Chopra We all know that love is the main topic of discussion in February. Everywhere we turn we see hearts, candy, and cards reminding us to honor our loved ones with a token of appreciation, […]
Gifting for the Love Languages
According to Dr. Gary Chapman, we all have a “love tank” inside of us. When the love tank is full, we feel connected, supported, and secure. When the love tank is empty, we feel disconnected, alone, and insecure. But how do you fill someone else’s love tank? You learn what their love language is and […]
Journey to New Perspectives: An Exploration of the Heart
Have you ever considered your “quality of life” from a whole-self perspective or considered the elements which create a happy and purposeful life? Possibly you have been gauging your personal success or failure against markers established by family, friends, or social networks. How do we know if our goals and resolutions are coming from our […]