Forward-Thinking Education Tech
A note from Linda Snyder, Chief Operating Officer for MInd Body Align: Recently, our team at Mind Body Align had the incredible opportunity to attend both SXSW EDU and SXSW Interactive 2023. It was an amazing experience to connect with some of the most innovative minds in the world and learn more about forward-thinking education tech. […]
Guided Mindfulness Practice: Focus on the Positive
Original airdate: November 3, 2021 Guide: Linda Opening Song: New York Riopy Connect In is a guided mindfulness practice that happens every Wednesday at 8:15 a.m. EST. This community event is virtual, free, and open to all levels of mindfulness practice. 15 minutes is all it takes to start your day with intention. Connect In now!
Audio Mindfulness Practice: Body Scan
Original airdate: October 20, 2021 Guide: Linda Opening Song: My Universe by Coldplay Featured practice: The Body Scan is a foundational mindfulness practice to cultivate the ability to notice what is being experienced in your body. It is designed to help you develop mindful awareness of your felt body sensations. If you adopt this practice you […]
Appreciative Joy
Original airdate: October 6, 2021 Guide: Linda Opening Song: Too High by Moon Taxi featuring Jake Shimabukuro Featured practice: The focus of this practice is appreciating the joy and happiness in our lives through paying mindful attention to a moment of joy. When we are able to recognize our moments of joy and happiness […]
Practicing Self-Compassion
Original airdate: September 15, 2021 Guide: Linda Opening Song: I Love You by Riopy Featured practice: Today’s practice focused on self-compassion through connection to our own needs and the needs of others. This practice can foster stronger relationships and resilience and can be used when facing strong emotions. Connect In is a guided mindfulness practice that […]
Letting Go of Fixing
Guided audio practice from the 8/18/21 Connect In virtual community mindfulness practice. Guide: Linda Snyder Opening song: Epiphany by Riopy Featured practice: It is in our nature to fix things, to problem solve. On days where we may have a problem, practicing mindful meditation may be challenging. Our minds’ natural tendency to wander and problem […]
The Body’s Wisdom: Seated Mindful Movement Meditation
Guide: Linda Opening song: Put Down What You Are Carrying by Trevor Hall Featured Practice: 15 minute seated mindful movement meditation is about noticing what’s here in each moment, listening and responding to your body’s wisdom and bringing a kind, curious and patient quality of awareness to whatever you find. Connect In with us […]
Calming the Nervous System with Box Breathing
Lead Guide: Linda Opening song: Joy by Riopy Featured poems/excerpts/breathing exercises: Today’s practice was box breathing, also known as square breathing. It is a simple stress management practice that follows a particular rhythm. In this practice, we consciously lengthen the in-breath, the out-breath, and the pauses in between, so that each portion has […]
Start Your Day Mindfully-Before Your Feet Touch the Floor
If you have arrived at this post you may be one of the 2 million Americans looking for ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. This certainly makes sense, a consistent mindfulness practice has been proven to improve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and reduce depression. As defined by Jon Kabat-Zin, […]
A Meditation For Winter
I love winter. This has not always been the case. I lived the first part of my adult life disliking winter. I would start to complain as the last of the leaves were raked up and put into the compost pile. I would complain about how cold my bed was when I got in […]