Paving New Roads

Paving these new roads is simultaneously exciting and exhausting labor. However, keep in mind that change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end. If the City of Cleveland can go from “The Mistake on the Lake” to “Believeland,” I have no doubt in my mind that the City of Mansfield can change its perception as “Danger City” to “Dreamfield” in the not too distant future.

Honoring your story

Growing up, I was very sheltered. At eighteen, I decided that my life was to include going to college then graduate school, have a career, a husband, a house, and kids. I found myself feeling fairly prepared for my upcoming life that included being a United States Senator by the time I was 35. From […]

New Year, New Perspective

“I want to be a secretary like my mom.” As a child, that was my response every time someone had asked what I wanted my future career to be. Like many children, I aspired for my life to reflect those around me… after all, that was what I knew. Whether I lacked creativity, bravery or […]

I am Human

I happen to be a female. I had a 50% chance of being born that way and the majority of the time that’s my only thought about the fact that I am a female.  That might sound odd, but I was raised by parents who told me I could do anything that I decided to […]

Embracing Change

I have always wanted to be a doctor. Looking back, I realize what an incredible blessing it was to know I would be a doctor. It set a vision in my mind that had no other alternative! I would be a doctor. Now I realize that having that vision so young created a mindset that […]

My story of being an innovator and entrepreneur

When asked to write a blog on Innovation/Innovator, my first thought was how does Webster’s define it? [wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”] [wc_divider style=”dashed” line=”single” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””] Innovation: noun | in·no·va·tion | ˌi-nə-ˈvā-shən: A new method, idea, product, etc. [wc_divider style=”dashed” line=”single” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””] [/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”] [wc_divider style=”dashed” line=”single” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””] Innovator: A person who introduces new methods, ideas, products, […]

Everyone has a story

During a quick trip to Target over the holiday, I ran into an old friend of whom I hadn’t spoken in years.  Her life had taken huge unexpected turns and she shared some of the challenges.  As we chatted, in that whirlwind way you do—when you have too much to say and not enough time to visit—she […]

Sorry Sheryl, but I decided to Lean Out

In March of 2013 Facebook COO Sheryl Sandburg’s much anticipated book, Lean In, hit bookstore shelves. I’d followed the buzz and clamored to the bookstore to get my copy right away. I was hoping that this highly successful woman would have the insight I needed, but alas I was underwhelmed. In the end I forged my […]