Eliminate dread and quiet quitting while energizing the workplace with mindfulness

4 minute read

It is no secret that the pandemic turned businesses on their heads. Some changes will remain in place in a business world that is forever altered. Workplaces are feeling the stress, and employees worry about a new concept, called quiet quitting. 

There is a way to heal and promote a healthy and balanced work culture, and every day Mind Body Align works to be a part of that solution.

Recently, our goal to build a world-class workplace mindfulness program led us to the Mindful Leader Summit in Washington D.C. This summit was a fantastic gathering dedicated to the advancement of mindfulness and compassion in the workplace. What we loved about this conference is that it was not your normal conference experience! Our first clue that this would be special was when we learned about the unconference, and we were completely curious. 

Soon, the unconference quickly became one of the best takeaways. During the unconference, practical workshops were facilitated, which gave us opportunities to work with other leaders for mutual sharing, ideating, and problem-solving. We sought out and found solutions to specific challenges faced in ours, our colleagues, and our client’s environments. Everyone shared their unique knowledge, experience, and talent to provide support and create action plans for others. Not only were we able to learn from other mindful leaders, but we all learned from each other. 

And now, we take the learnings and practices from the unconference into our client’s environments as we lead workplace mindfulness programs. Mind Body Align program for businesses energizes employees and delivers cost-effective employee training with proven wellness benefits. This program makes implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion programs easier. We are building better, more innovative programs for workplace mindfulness; the ROI and reviews are both positive. 

Another amazing Mindful Leader learning was about neuroscience-based leadership. In these leadership practices, we use awareness to create new pathways and positive changes in the brain. The mindfulness taught by Mind Body Align is science-based mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness in the workplace- making it a part of the culture- is proven to improve collaborations, relationships, job satisfaction, and even profitability. It bolsters resilience among employees and improves their overall health. 

This is the ROI that every business seeks. 

Here’s an example. In one session, we dug deep into what happens when a challenge occurs (An unexpected email, perhaps?) that stimulates a reaction or a response in the workplace. In a culture where the practice of mindfulness is employed, there is likely a pause and an awareness, then a thoughtful response. Responses will outweigh reactions, and when differing opinions arise, the brain muscle is already accustomed to taking a pause to notice and be aware of what emotion is surfacing. When the team practices, more members will have this developed muscle.

Don’t you wish everyone had the ability to pause, step back, reflect, shift perspectives, develop options, and then choose? If so, then we must bring mindfulness practices into our lives and share them.

Mindfulness at work is a critical component of employee training for individuals in every industry and culture. Linda Snyder, a certified mindful educator and the chief operating officer of Mind Body Align, is focused on how our construction workers, our tree trimmers, our customer service workers, and everyone benefits from mindfulness training to help them pay attention on purpose.

“My  biggest takeaway was from Andy Lee’s presentation, ‘Mindfulness Beyond the White Collar World.’ I was inspired by his pilot program which is focused on breath work with call center and manufacturing workers. The pilot program showed improvements in workers’ energy, wellbeing, and focus in both call centers and manufacturing. He is making mindfulness practical and accessible to every person, regardless of profession.” Linda said.

We partner with organizations of all sizes to design and implement evidence-based programs that support mental well-being, build conscious, heartful leaders, foster resilience, and build a healthier organizational climate and culture.  All these lead to a thriving, higher-performing team. 

Mind Body Align is ready to guide and support every workplace and can quickly establish and launch a custom mindful workplace program that fits in each company culture and budget. Eliminate dread and quiet quitting, and energize your workplace with mindfulness. Begin the conversation now.[/et_pb_text]